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Twelve Days of Fitness Challenge | Day One

First off, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! I sincerely hope that you all have / are having THE best Christmas yet and are surrounded by the people that nourish your soul and bring abounding joy to your heart. :)


I was scrolling through the ol' newsfeed on The Houston Bloggers Social Club and noticed a post from Catherine Basu, blogger over at Fit Armadillo, encouraging members to join her Twelve Days of Fitness Challenge! I immediately wanted to participate and here we are. If you have your own blog and would like to join us, feel free to join the group HERE, we would love it if you did!

Please excuse the not-so-great quality of these photos as all but one were taken with my phone.

Hubby and I started out by jogging 1-mile, then moved on to the incline press.

 Bent Rows
 Chest Fly
 Back Fly
 Dumbbell Curls
 Tricep Extension

 Upright Row

Ending with a Plank Race to see who could hold plank for the longest, and I won!!! He probably let me though. hehehe ;D

Did you get your workout in today? If so, what did you complete? Feel free to comment below!



  1. You're off to a great start with the challenge- and how wonderful that you and your hubby. work out together!
    I did some Qigong midday, and will go to Water Aerobics with my daughter and oldest granddaughter tomorrow!
    "See you" on day #2!

    1. Way to go, Dia! I will have to look into Qigong, as i have never heard of it before. Sounds really interesting though! :)

  2. Lovely intro and pics :) My husband has a better camera than I do so I brought that to the gym, but he gets a little embarrassed taking photos. I think he's a little scarred from the time I made him take video/pics in the grocery store for a Fiverr gig. I did get him to take one photo of me yesterday being pretty silly, but I asked him about it before I even worked out so he had a while to warm up to the idea. I say you definitely won that plank-off hands down! Your form is awesome in this pic :) Hope you had a very Merry Christmas in Houston!

    1. Thank you very kindly! :) Yeah my hubby get's a little embarrassed too, thankfully we were literally two of 4 people in the entire joint, so I was able to get him on board with little to no fuss. Woot!! I always worry about my form while holding plank, so it was good to finally see how I look in the process. I'm pleased! We did have a very great Christmas! We are currently in Casper, WY though. Hubby works out here every other month! :)

  3. I am not a fan of Planks but I will get them into my workout... You two Rock and its great to see couples working out together!! Happy New Year!!!

    1. Thank you, Tonya! :) We love working out together, it helps both of us stay accountable. Happy New Year to you as well!


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