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Positive Polly... CONTINUED

Well, yesterday ended up being a complete "CLUSTER".. if ya-know-whud-i-mean! I did remain to keep my wits about me and remained cool and collected, but holy Jebus, how frustrating. I sat in the Denver airport until around 8pm. I was supposed to be out of there by 3pm.


I'm here!! My husband ended up driving to Denver to pick me up and we still beat the plane to Wyoming, that is just crazy y'all.. just crazy. So as you already know if you read yesterdays post I was supposed to fly into Laramie, WY. Our plane was coming out of Salt Lake City and they just couldn't get off the ground due to weather conditions, those poor bastards sat on the runway for over 4 hours. So, I guess I really can't complain, at least I was able to sit in the airport. #winning Our flight was changed over 6 times, and thought it was for safety concerns.. it was so disheartening. Naturally I kept hubby updated and when we found out my flight wouldn't (possibly) be there until after 8pm, he decided to drive in from Laramie and pick me up. He is seriously my hero! It was around 5pm when we got that update, so since we weren't even sure if the flight was going to be cancelled he wanted to pick me up so I didn't have to risk sleeping at the airport. What a guy that one! sighs heavily while swooning 

When I woke up today this is what I saw.

So I am peachy keen. :)
Until next time my lovelies!


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