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Twelve Days of Fitness Challenge | Day Two

Hi my lovelies!

It's day Two of the Twelve Days of Fitness Challenge (read day One HERE) and I am so freaking pumped. Why? Because I reached another goal tonight. :D I was able to run 4.27-miles without slowing down or stopping to walk! My next goal is to be able to run 5-miles without slowing down or stopping. I know I can do it! 

According to my heart rate monitor.. I guess you could say I got evil on that treadmill. HAR-HAR Did you get your workout in today? If so, way to go! Tell us what you did in the comments section, we would love to know. :) Until tomorrow kiddies.



  1. I barely got mine in yesterday by walking the malls but I did. I did have a GREEN SMOOTHIE as part of the 30-day green smoothie challenge and it was divine. I have the same HRM. LOVE IT. What type of treadmill is that?

    1. Well that is great, you got it done and that is more than what most can say! I am proud of you. :) Mmmm a green smoothie sounds divine indeed. What was in it? YAY!! HRM twins, awesome!! :D Hmm.. That's a good question about the treadmill.. Honestly I'm not a fan whatever kind it is. It is just a plain-Jane treadmill. All you can do is set the speed and incline, that's it.

  2. I seriously need to get back to the gym! I was doing really well last spring/summer... then we hit a bit of a rough patch and had to give up my membership for a bit. I never thought I'd miss going to the gym... but I really do!

    1. I know exactly how you feel, I have been right there in your shoes. Prior to joining Lifetime Fitness, where I workout while I'm in Houston, I worked out at Fitness 19 and really enjoyed it. Best part about it is that it was only $24 bucks a month for BOTH me and my husband. :)


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