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Twelve Days of Fitness Challenge | Day Three

Phew.. It feels so good to sit down and relax. It's 1:50am here in Wyoming so I will try and keep this short and sweet, that way I can scoot off into sleephood! :)

If you are just joining us, feel free to catch up by checking out Day One HERE and Day Two HERE, as well as checking out the Fit Armadillo Blog HERE! Want to join in on this challenge? Awesome! Check out our group page HERE! C'mon... You know you want to. :D

Prior to taking on this challenge I would take a rest day in-between my run days to ensure my legs and muscles get proper recovery. Tonight I decided to hold up my end of the bargain and skip my rest day! At the gym I am using here in Wyoming (Snap Fitness) they have a small fitness room with a projection screen so you can use their Fitness On Demand programs, it's actually pretty freaking cool. I never even knew this sort of thing existed until today! Did you? 

Since I have been pounding out the miles lately I decided to do a total body circuit, with the main focus being on strengthening my leg muscles. Why? Two reasons! 1. I felt I would be overdoing it by putting in another run session tonight. 2. I am hoping that if I keep strength training my legs in-between run days it will aid in my endurance and overall performance level! 

Tonight I started with upper body in which I completed a program called 5/10 in Nine, click HERE to view a quick segment from the video. This was a great workout and it only took NINE MINUTES to complete. Don't let that fool you! It was tough nonetheless. In this video you are instructed to use a set of 5-pound dumbbells while cranking out sequences of punches, jabs, uppercuts and hooks followed by a completing the sequences all over again only this time using a set of 10-pound dumbbells. This may seem like a breeze, but once you go through a few of the sequences, your arms are on fire. I absolutely loved it! 

I then followed up with the Lethal Legs program, and man.. It was exactly that, lethal! Click HERE to view a quick segment from this video. This routine was only ELEVEN - FIFTEEN MINUTES LONG! The entire time you are giving it your all, trust me, I was sore by the time I reached the middle of the video. Lunges, dead-lifts, squats, single leg everything, jumping single leg everything, resistance band booty and leg workouts, you name it.. we did it. I enjoyed it so much that I will most definitely be completing this routine again on my next rest day!    

Goodnight my love bugs, or.. in your case, Good morning or afternoon! See you soon.


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