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Lovely Sparkley Snow

Hello all! :) Hubby was off work today so we decided to go ahead and take a rest day. One of the downsides to him working in Wyoming is that he is on call EVERY SINGLE DAY that he is here, so we thought it'd be best to take advantage of this day off and enjoy some quality time together. But don't worry loves, I will pick back up with the Twelve Days of Fitness | Day Four tomorrow.. So stay tuned for that! :D

This afternoon it began sleeting.. then BAM, it was full on snowing outside. I don't know about you, but I absolutely LOVE the snow. To me,  there is just something so magical and enchanting about snow.. It definitely brings out my inner child and everyone seems to perk up when snow is falling all around. Maybe it's because I am from Texas and we get zero snow, accept for the rare occurrence every few years? I dunno.. But I seriously love it when it snows. :) 

The best part about the snow today, for me, was after the sun had already set and it was dark outside. Where ever we went, the way the lights hit the snow, everything sparkled! It was like we were walking on glitter, or thousands upon thousands of diamonds. EVERYTING that was covered in snow sparkled. It was something I have never seen before and it was beyond beautiful. 


I think I could possibly maybe live here..



  1. Sleet NO...and snow NO. Yeah I am a scrooge. Fortunately it snowed overnight and then melted by noon the very next day. I was pleased. The kids weren't. Spend that rest time with your hubby. He sounds like he is working hard for the family. Cheers.

    1. It certainly isn't for everyone, but.. that's alright I love it enough for everyone. :) Where are you joining us from? Yep, he is a helluva fella, that one. I am truly lucky to have him in my life, for so many reasons! :)

  2. Hah! I'm from Connecticut and we had a little snow when I was visiting the family and that was pretty, but I moved to TX to get away from the cold and snow. Definitely don't miss those winters! However, it is nice once in a while. Glad you're enjoying time with your hubby :)

    1. I can totally understand how it could get old if you live in it everyday.. Either way, I am glad we got to adopt you here in Texas, welcome. :)

  3. I love the snow too. I am in Texas and you're right, we don't get that much. More often it is ice, really thick dangerous ice. That's all we've had so far this winter.

    1. You are so right about that, and lordy help us all when that happens. With all the wise apples out trying to drive in it! ;) What part of Texas?


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