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Twelve Days of Fitness Challenge | Day Four

If you are just joining us, feel free to catch up by checking out Day One HEREDay Two HERE and Day Three HERE, as well as checking out the Fit Armadillo Blog HERE! Want to join in on this challenge? Awesome! Check out our group page HERE! :D 

If you are a runner you have possibly heard, or read, the phrase "you will have your good runs and your bad runs". Well folks, tonight I had a bad run. I fought tooth and nail tonight.. It took me almost 36 minutes to run 3 miles. I even stopped to walk at least 3 different times. BUT I got it done, and to me that is all that matters! :) 

Once I completed my run, I headed on over to complete a 15 minute "Quick Core" session through Fitness on Demand by Daily Burn! Check out a segment from this workout HERE.



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