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Twelve Days of Fitness Challenge | Day Five & Six

If you are just joining us, feel free to catch up by checking out Day One HEREDay Two HERE, Day Three HERE and Day Four HEREas well as checking out the Fit Armadillo Blog HERE! Want to join in on this challenge? Awesome! Check out our group page HERE! :D 

So.. since I hate being behind, I asked Catherine of Fit Armadillo if I could combine workouts to get caught up with the challenge and lucky for me she said sure, as long as this is a one time thing of course! She is awesome. You really need to go check out her blog and join our challenge if you aren't already participating. All of the ladies involved are so supportive of one another and make this entire experience so gratifying, so a BIG thank you to Catherine and ALL of the ladies who are participating in this challenge, you are all so amazing and I am so glad I decided to join.

Tonight I focused on legs and upper body! 

Since I loved the routine so much I went ahead and began with Lethal Legs, and I must make a correction, on Day Three's post I said this routine was eleven to fifteen minutes long.. I fibbed. It is actually just over 30 minutes long. I honestly loved this routine more tonight than I did the first night I tried it. Why? Because it is just as challenging the second go-round, if not more due to already sore muscles. And I don't know about you, but I LOVE being sore from a good workout, it lets me know that I am doing it right. :)

To end the night I worked on my arms, using the Fitness on Demand program Strength - Push which is a few seconds shy of 35 minutes. Check out a segment from this video HERE! Boy oh boy.. I felt that one. :)

twelve days of fitness | day 5 & 6

twelve days of fitness | day 5 & 6

Until tomorrow, my loves.


  1. Thank you for your kind words :) I'm glad you're enjoying the challenge and love your resistance band pic. Makes me feel a lot better about writing the word "Merry" for Merry Christmas out in the gym the other day hehe. Keep up the great work on those workouts in 2014!

    1. Aww well you are so welcome, and thanks again for creating this challenge. :) Yeah, I am nerdy and proud! hehehe


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