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Lovely Someone's of the Interwebz

While you read, enjoy some relaxing new tunage from Mutual Benifit. 

One of my most favorite things about the interwebz (especially Instagram) is that you have a plethora of inspiration at your fingertips. I absolutely adore meeting new web-buddies and sharing our fitness journeys together!

Whether it be through being active followers on one another's Instagram (IG), tumblr, Twitter or Facebook accounts, it always brightens my day, and sometimes I am lucky enough to correspond with some of you lovely people through email, sharing a more in depth version of our personal crusades.  

That said, I would like to take some time to feature one of those lovely someone's right here on my blog. :)

Who is this lovely someone?

How it all started.

I was exploring #BrazilButtLift tags on IG, since at the time, I was in the process of completing the program. 

Sarah's journey.

            Growing up I never had a problem with my weight. My nutrition could have been better but I was on dance team and show choir which kept me moving with practices in the morning, day and night. I decided to stop dancing when I got into college. A lot happened in my life and on August 31, 2008 I was supposed to spend the night at my Grandparents house but instead I stayed home that night. I woke up in the middle of the night and felt as though something was wrong. About 30 minutes of being up I heard the phone ring at 4:30 PM and I found out my Grandma had fallen and needed to have surgery. I felt guilty for not staying the night and I kept thinking if things would have been different if I had stayed over. My Grandma passed away on August 14, 2009. I can still remember feeling terrible about losing her and the memory of her fall. Most of her memory was gone by the time that she passed away. I barely had time to recover as my Grandpa went into the hospital about 3 months later on December 27, 2009. Two people. I lost two people in 4 months that were so close to me.

            For the next three years I turned to comfort eating as a way to deal with the stress of losing them. I reached a weight of 140 lbs, 45% body fat and I felt terrible. I didn't feel like I was taking care of me and it showed. I could take down a container of frosting in one night, two bags of popcorn, eight (I kid you not) Pepsi’s a day and pixi-stix like you wouldn't believe. I tried almost everything including going to the gym at least 3 times a week. I wasn't able to sleep one night and I turned on the television. I saw a commercial for Insanity and I felt motivated by Shaun T. I purchased the program, completed some of the workouts and loved the motivation I felt the entire time. A few months had gone by and I met my coach, Tiffany. She introduced me to the Beachbody Challenge and Shakeology! I had been looking for a meal replacement shake to put into my everyday life but the problem was I couldn't find one that fit for me. Some I tried I had an allergic reaction to, some had ingredients that made me a little concerned and some were just not worth their price. I bought the challenge pack and fell in love with Shakeology. I signed up as a coach because I wanted accountability and I wanted to get the 25% off discount on all the products Beachbody has to offer. 

            Then, in April 2012 I was diagnosed with Morton's Neuroma and Hallux Limitus. It took me about a month for my foot to heal. I gained weight and had every excuse during that time. I decided to change. On May 28 I did 30 days of Rockin’ Body and Hip Hop Abs with Shakeology and clean eating. It was hard work and I felt incredible by the end. Yes, my results were great but overall I just felt better. Shakeology hands down saved my nutrition and my overall health. I get asked all the time about my results and how they are so great. 

Your nutrition is so key to your success. 

            I felt like I owed it to me to take care of myself. People kept asking me what I did, how I did it and how they can do it too. Tiffany and I talked about how I could help others achieve their goals and help pay off my student loans. In 4 months I have made around $2,600 from helping others achieve their fitness, health and financial goals. I don’t sell this “stuff”. I don’t go door to door asking if people want to buy this “stuff”. This “stuff” saved me. This “stuff” helped me become healthier and get to those loans. These incredible products have let me help almost 75 people start their weight loss journey. 

That is powerful.

            I had someone tell me they believed in me. It all started with someone saying “Hello” to me and offering a hand to help. 

Way to go Sarah! You are truly inspiring. :) Thank you for sharing your touching story with all of us readers, I know there are so many other women out there that can and will benefit from reading this. Keep up the fantastic work, and I am honored to have you as a new friend! 

If you are reading this and have any questions regarding any of the programs or products mentioned in this post, please feel free to contact Sarah directly, she will definitely steer you in the right direction! 

Be a lovely someone and follow Sarah by using the links below:


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