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4 Christmas Gifts For Runner-Girls

Enjoy some Sea Wolf while your read!

Since I have adopted a new half marathon training schedule, I thought it would be a cute idea to round up some of my favorite gift ideas for myself.. ahem, I mean for runner-girls like myself! The best part about all of the gift items I am going to include on this post is that it doesn't matter what your veteran status is, these items will work for everyone! Yay!! 

Here we go! 

1. MEElectronics Sport-Fi M6 Noise-Isolating In-Ear Headphones with Memory Wire 

Any runner that plugs in their earbubs while on a run can tell you that one of the most annoying things that can happen is that your earbubs won't stay put. I mean, helloooo.. I am trying to get in the zonnne here. RUDE!!! If this is you while on a run, like myself, then give these babies a try! They come in 7 different colors, are extremely affordable, and fit over the ear with memory wire to keep them in check. Whats more? You can score a pair (or all of them, a girl has to accessorize.. right?!) at Amazon.com on the cheap. Just click the amazon link and VOILĂ€! 

2. Water Bottle or Water Belt

What better way to stay hydrated throughout your run than to have a 100% BPA Free, ID toting, hand fitted bottle? Sounds like a winner to me! After scoping out a few of the Ultimate Direction products I chose the Fastdraw Plus because of all the color options available, in all there are 10! Woot!! Check out this little cutie directly from the Ultimate direction site by clicking HERE.. or score one off of amazon HERE!

Toting a water bottle in hand while running isn't exactly my favorite thing to do. So I was thrilled to find these water belts! The water belt featured in the two images above is the Ultimate Direction Access, perfect for the non-marathon runner and comes with a 20-ounce BPA Free bottle in 10 color options. The water belt featured in the two images below is the Ultimate Direction Access Gel, perfect for the long distance or marathon runner, as it offers a 4-ounce energy gel flask alongside the 26-ounce water bottle (only 2 color options) to get you to that finish line! You can check them both out on the Ultimate Direction site HERE and HERE, or snag one off of amazon HERE and HERE

3. ColdGear Compression Leggings

These Underarmor ColdGear Compression Leggings are comparable to the Nike Element Shield Leggings and they are less than half the price to boot! What do they do? Glad you asked! Since the leggings are constructed with duel-layers it adds extra protection against the cold, as well as circulates your own body heat. Whats the big hubbub with this whole compression fit business? The compression fit leggings aid in stabilizing your muscles as well as adding a little extra support for your knees, so in theory it is also aiding in your recovery as well! Getcha some.. HERE

4. ColdGear Fitted Long Sleeve Top 

You honestly can't go wrong with either of these tops! Virtually the only differences between the two are that one is a v-neck, comes in 10 colors, has thumb holes and is constructed a bit differently,  whereas the other is more turtley and is only offered in 2 colors.. Compare and or purchase them HERE and HERE


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